Membership is open to everyone. Whether you are a producer – farmer, a rancher, forester; or a merchant – restaurateur, grocer, veterinarian, lumberyard; or simply a consumer who enjoys the wonderful food, fiber and timber produced in our very agriculturally rich, dynamic and diverse Placer County. Your membership supports our local agriculture.
There are four types of membership:
Membership Category | Description | Annual Dues |
Agribusiness | These business members want to add their support to agriculture in our county, state and nation. This level includes online recognition from the Placer County Farm Bureau. | $200 |
Agriculture | These members derive all or part of their income from agriculture production or direct support of agriculture. | $150 |
Associate | These members represent the general public that want to add their support to agriculture in our county, state and nation. | $90 |
Collegiate | This special membership allows students to establish membership at an affordable rate while studying to represent us as the next generation of agricultural leaders. | $25 |

Along with supporting agriculture our members enjoy some excellent benefits.
Get details by clicking here.
Take Action Now!
Placer County Farm Bureau is associated with the California Farm Bureau Federation and the American Farm Bureau Federation. A portion of your dues also helps support these organizations. The California Farm Bureau Federation processes all California County Farm Bureau membership dues. Accordingly we partner with them to ensure that you can become a member in a manner that best suits you!
Join or Renew Online
Farm Bureau members in California may join or renew memberships online, through a secure Web service. Have your renewal notice available to speed the process; you will need to enter your membership number, name and ZIP code. Renewal dues may be paid online using either Visa® or MasterCard®.
Join by Phone
Call the Placer County Farm Bureau at 916-663-2929 and we will be happy to help you. We accept VISA or MasterCard. We will ask for basic member information including membership type (please see above), full name, business name, phone number, mailing and email address.
Join in Person
Come see us at the Placer County Farm Bureau Office, 10120 Ophir Road Newcastle CA 95658. Call us at 916-663-2929 for directions and business hours.