Placer County Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers are active agriculturists between the ages of 18 and 35 and involved in production, banking, business, and many other areas of the industry. Young Farmers and Ranchers develop leadership skills while volunteering time as active, vital members of the county Farm Bureaus.
One aspect common to all Young Farmers and Ranchers activities is the opportunity to meet people. Whether you are participating in the county, state, or national level, there are others who share the same challenges and successes that you do. Social activities are where YF&Rs have fun and network at the same time!
As a member of Young Farmers and Ranchers, your voice will join those of your peers to speak out for agriculture. As you develop your skills and knowledge, your efforts will help Farm Bureau to effectively represent all farmers and ranchers.
To inquire about the status of the Young Farmers and Ranchers Committee and upcoming events contact the Placer County Farm Bureau office at (916) 663-2929.
Young California farmers, ranchers earn recognition
Service to community and Farm Bureau earned awards for participants in the California Young Farmers and Ranchers program, and a student from Fresno State University won the national Collegiate Discussion Meet, during the annual American Farm Bureau Federation YF&R conference in Reno.
California Young Farmers and Ranchers earned three national awards related to food donations through the Harvest for All program—a partnership with Feeding America, the nation’s largest domestic hunger-relief organization.
California earned first place in the number of volunteer hours donated, at more than 10,000 hours; placed second in the number of pounds of food donated, at 15 million pounds; and was among three national winners of the Most Innovative Award. That honor was awarded to California for a food donation partnership between the Kern County YF&R Committee and the Kern County Fair, which led to the collection of 100,000 pounds of meat and 54,120 pounds of other food. Each award included a monetary prize from sponsor Nationwide®.
Placer County and Gold Country Fairs

The Placer County Farm Bureau supports youth in various Ag groups including the Future Farmers of America, 4-H and National Grange at our Placer County Fair and Gold Country Fair by purchasing their market animals. The sale of these market animals are part of projects designed to help kids learn some of the business aspects of agriculture and also provides excellent opportunities to develop the understanding of what it takes to be responsible for a farm/ranch production animal. Placer County Farm Bureau is proud to contribute to the knowledge growth of our future agriculture leaders and we appreciate all the hard work that our youth invest in their project animals.